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6 convincing arguments for digital contract management

15 February 2021
6 convincing arguments for digital contract management

Argument No. 1: digital contract management saves time.

With digital contract management, you can access the documents you need directly at any time, from any location and via any terminal device. Searching through files or folders on your PC is tiresome and time-consuming.

Argument No. 2: People work better together

Digital contract management brings structure to processes. It facilitates collaboration, contracts and documents can be accessed by anyone who has the rights.

Argument No. 3: Your information is secure

Access rights are essential for secure storage of contracts. A good contract management system comes with the appropriate security by default. In addition, systems that store your files on German servers offer GDPR compliance and thus maximum data security.

Argument No. 4: You create optimal working conditions

Working in a home office or on the road becomes much easier thanks to flexible access to documents – and can thus make a noticeable contribution to family-friendliness in the company and a good work-life balance.

Many employees see online contract management as an opportunity to work more flexibly.

Argument No. 5: Documents are easy to find

Thanks to search functionality and individual structure with the help of labels, you can find any document in a digital contract repository very quickly. This is a user-friendly function that saves you time and protects your nerves

Argument No. 6: You save paper and spare your nerves

With a digital contract management system, you not only reduce the consumption of paper, but you also save a considerable amount of money by reducing printing costs. In times of sustainable business management, this helps to protect nature and our trees.

An efficient online contract filing system keeps you and your employees free – so you don’t have to deal with an annoying contract chaos, but can fully focus on your core business.

Inhubber as the solution for digital contract management and e-signature

Inhubber is a complete digital document and management solution to automate your contract management process. The software includes built-in e-signatures and numerous integrations such as AI for contract analytics and blockchain technology for a constant audit trail.

Price range: costs range from 25 euros for individuals to 5 euros per user for large companies. All e-signatures are included for free.

Why choose Inhubber? It is a complete solution for secure collaboration, management and contract tracking. It is a complete contract lifecycle management solution that will save you a lot of time and money in your organization. The simplicity of the system means that no training is required and it can be used immediately.

The flexibility of the platform means that it can support almost any business process that requires document management and electronic signatures.

Everything you need to work more effectively with contracts

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