How msb-mobility service berlin GmbH Revolutionized Contract Management with Inhubber
Overview of msb-mobility service berlin GmbH
msb-mobility service berlin GmbH is a corporate group offering various services in the bus transport sector. Their range of services includes charter buses, city tours, and the provision of bus workshops and washing facilities. With around 180 employees and numerous contracts affecting both the subsidiaries and the parent company, the company faced challenges in contract management. The lack of a central overview, missed deadlines, and decentralized storage made management complex and time-consuming.
With Inhubber, the contract management at msb-mobility service berlin GmbH has radically changed, now allowing for more efficient organization, better control, and greater clarity. Steffen Cordt, the group’s Sales Manager, explains how the implementation of Inhubber not only simplified contract search but also optimized deadline management.
Challenge: Fragmented Contract Management and Manual Deadline Control
Before the introduction of Inhubber, contract management at msb-mobility service berlin GmbH was decentralized and highly fragmented. Contracts were managed by the various subsidiaries, often in physical file folders or isolated storage systems. This brought a series of challenges:
- Lack of Central Overview: Since each subsidiary managed its own contracts, it was difficult to quickly access the required documents. It was often unclear where a specific contract was stored or in which department or building it could be found. Steffen Cordt describes how this increased workload: “When someone was looking for a contract, it was more like ‘Good luck’ – and this led to long search times and uncertainty about whether all relevant documents were truly available.”
- Missed Deadlines and Uncertain Deadline Control: Another problem was that termination deadlines for contracts were often overlooked. Particularly with long-term contracts that automatically renewed, this led to unexpected costs. There was no automated reminder to alert the team in time about upcoming termination deadlines. “We missed termination deadlines several times, simply because no one remembered the contract still existed and should be terminated. This led to unnecessary costs that we wanted to avoid,” says Steffen Cordt.
- Problems with Filing and Finding Documents: Contracts were often stored in paper form and were sometimes kept at different locations. Searching for a particular contract could take several hours, especially if the responsible staff did not know the structure or if the employees who originally filed the contracts had already left the company.
These challenges clearly showed that msb-mobility service berlin GmbH needed a digital contract management system that would provide central storage and automated deadline tracking.
The Solution: Implementing Inhubber as a Comprehensive Contract Management Tool
After evaluating different providers, msb-mobility service berlin GmbH chose Inhubber. There were several reasons why Inhubber was the ideal solution for the company:
- Central and Transparent Storage: Inhubber allows for the centralized storage of all contracts and offers a flexible structure with workspaces, folders, and subfolders that can be tailored to msb-mobility service berlin GmbH’s specific needs. The company’s various business units received their own workspaces, where contracts were organized thematically or by department. “With Inhubber, we now have everything in one place and can quickly access the required contracts using the search and filter functions. The structure is clear and easy to navigate,” explains Steffen.
- Automated Deadline Monitoring and Reminder Function: One of Inhubber’s key features is the automated deadline monitoring. This function sends timely email notifications to responsible staff when a termination deadline is approaching. “We particularly use the deadline monitoring for liability insurance and vehicle leasing contracts. The automatic reminder saves us a lot of time and prevents us from unintentionally renewing contracts,” describes Steffen.
- Flexibility in Contract Use and New Applications: Through Inhubber, the company discovered new use cases. msb-mobility service berlin GmbH now uses the system not only for traditional contract management but also to manage training certificates and driver’s licenses. The company uploads the relevant documents into the system and uses the reminder function to be informed in time about upcoming training sessions or driver’s license renewals. “We now also use Inhubber for our fire safety and first-aid training. As soon as the training is due again, we automatically receive a notification – this greatly simplifies the organization,” says Steffen.
- Intuitive and User-Friendly Interface: Inhubber stands out for its simple and intuitive operation. Employees were able to work with the software quickly, without needing extensive training. To better familiarize themselves with the system, the team created test contracts with short durations to test the reminder and deadline monitoring functions in practice. “The user-friendliness is excellent. The features are self-explanatory, and the email notifications ensure that nothing is forgotten,” Steffen describes the acceptance of the system.
- Security and Accessibility: Since Inhubber is cloud-based, employees have access to the contracts anytime and from any location. This ensures that important documents are securely stored and accessible even in the event of a server failure or other technical issues. “Our servers are all in the same building, and if something were to happen, we can be sure that our documents won’t be lost because they are backed up externally,” explains Steffen.
The Implementation Process: Quick and Easy Setup
The implementation of Inhubber went smoothly. Steffen and his team were able to transfer contracts to the system within a few weeks and create a structure that suited their needs. The three steps of the implementation process were:
- Transfer of Contracts: All existing contracts were uploaded and digitized into the Inhubber system. The team created specific folder structures corresponding to the various departments and thematic areas. For example, vehicle leasing contracts were stored in their own folder, while training certificates and driver’s licenses were kept in a separate area.
- Structuring and Optimization: After the initial transfer, the team further adjusted the structure and added subfolders to improve clarity. Additionally, important key data for each contract were recorded, allowing for quick filtering and searching.
- Testing and Final Adjustments: Finally, the team tested the reminder and search functions to ensure that notifications worked as expected. Employees received a brief introduction to the system and were quickly able to familiarize themselves with its use.
Benefits and Efficiency Gains Through Inhubber
Since the introduction of Inhubber, contract management at msb-mobility service berlin GmbH has improved in multiple ways. The centralized storage, automated deadline monitoring, and intuitive interface have reduced workload while increasing control and transparency. Some of the main benefits Steffen and his team have experienced include:
- Time Savings in Contract Search: The centralized storage allows employees to quickly find contracts. The search and filter functions make long searches through folders unnecessary. Steffen estimates that the search function alone saves over two hours per employee each month, especially for contracts that are rarely needed.
- Avoidance of Contract Renewals and Cost Savings: Thanks to the automated deadline monitoring, the team no longer misses termination deadlines. This prevents unnecessary contract renewals and helps save costs. Although the company primarily has long-term contracts, Steffen expects the deadline monitoring to pay off, especially for annually renewable contracts.
- Efficient Management of Certificates and Trainings: Inhubber is used not only for contracts but also for managing training certificates and driver’s licenses. The automatic reminder ensures that all documents are renewed on time, reducing organizational effort. “In the past, we had to manually check when a training session or driver’s license renewal was due. Now, Inhubber handles that for us,” explains Steffen.
- Security and Availability: Cloud storage gives the company confidence that all important documents are externally backed up and accessible at any time. “No matter what happens on-site – we always have access to our contracts and documents. That gives us peace of mind and saves us worry in unforeseen circumstances,” emphasizes Steffen.
- Easy Use and High Acceptance: The user-friendliness of Inhubber ensures high acceptance among employees. The ability to create test contracts and try out the functions made the implementation easier. Steffen notes that most employees quickly appreciated the system and found it a real relief.
Conclusion: Inhubber as an Indispensable Tool for Efficient Contract Management
The implementation of Inhubber has helped msb-mobility service berlin GmbH centralize contract management and automate processes. The transparent structure, user-friendly interface, and flexible features have made it possible to use the system not only for contracts but also for training certificates and driver’s licenses.
Steffen Cordt summarizes the benefits: “Inhubber is the perfect solution for us. We now have everything in one central location, never miss deadlines, and can efficiently manage our contracts. The system offers security and flexibility that are indispensable in our daily business. I can recommend Inhubber to any company that values clarity, control, and time savings.”
Ab dem 1. Januar 2025 tritt die Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) auch für bilanzrechtlich große Unternehmen mit über 250 Mitarbeitern in Kraft und erweitert die Verpflichtungen für viele Unternehmen in der EU. Diese neue Regelung hat weitreichende Auswirkungen auf die Unternehmensberichterstattung, insbesondere im Hinblick auf Nachhaltigkeit und ESG-Kriterien (Environmental, Social, Governance). Unternehmen müssen künftig detaillierte Berichte über ihre Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien und -praktiken vorlegen.
Die CSRD 2025 betrifft alle bilanzrechtlich großen Unternehmen, die mindestens eines der folgenden Kriterien erfüllen:
- Mehr als 250 Mitarbeiter im Jahresdurchschnitt,
- Eine Bilanzsumme von mehr als 20 Millionen Euro,
- Ein Umsatz von mehr als 40 Millionen Euro.
Ab 2025 müssen diese Unternehmen genauso wie die großen öffentlichen Unternehmen detaillierte Nachhaltigkeitsberichte erstellen, die nicht nur die Geschäftsergebnisse, sondern auch die Auswirkungen ihrer Unternehmensaktivitäten auf die Umwelt und Gesellschaft transparent machen. Die neue Regelung erfordert, dass Unternehmen ihre ESG-Strategien und -Maßnahmen klar und nachvollziehbar darlegen.
Warum die CSRD 2025 wichtig ist
Mit der CSRD 2025 wird die EU eine umfassendere und stringente Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung durchsetzen. Für viele mittelständische Unternehmen, die bisher keine detaillierte Berichterstattungspflicht hatten, bedeutet dies einen erheblichen Umstieg. Ab 2025 müssen Unternehmen ihre ESG-Ziele und -Maßnahmen offenlegen, was in vielen Fällen neue Prozesse und Tools erforderlich macht. INHUBBER bietet eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung, um Unternehmen bei dieser Umstellung zu unterstützen.
Wie INHUBBER Unternehmen bei der CSRD unterstützt
1. Zentrale Dokumentation von Verträgen und Nachhaltigkeitsnachweisen
Die CSRD verlangt eine umfassende Dokumentation der ESG-Ziele und -Maßnahmen. INHUBBER ermöglicht es Unternehmen, Verträge und andere relevante Nachhaltigkeitsdokumente zentral zu verwalten und jederzeit abrufbar zu machen. So können Unternehmen sicherstellen, dass alle relevanten Verträge, die Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte betreffen, korrekt und transparent dokumentiert sind. Dies betrifft unter anderem:
- Verträge mit Nachhaltigkeitszielen oder Umweltvorgaben, z.B. CO2-Reduktionspläne oder CSR-Initiativen,
- Zertifikate und Nachweise über die Einhaltung von Umweltstandards oder sozialen Bestimmungen.
Die zentrale Ablage dieser Dokumente erleichtert die fristgerechte und vollständige Berichterstattung gemäß der CSRD.
2. Automatisierte Fristen- und Aufgabenverwaltung
Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der CSRD 2025 ist die regelmäßige Bereitstellung von ESG-Daten und Nachhaltigkeitsberichten. INHUBBER hilft Unternehmen, Fristen für die Berichterstattung zu überwachen und sicherzustellen, dass alle relevanten Aufgaben rechtzeitig erledigt werden. Wichtige Fristen, wie z.B.:
- Vertragsprüfungsfristen,
- Berichtstermine,
- Audit-Termine,
- ESG-Datenlieferungen.
werden automatisch überwacht. Mit automatisierten Erinnerungen und Benachrichtigungen sorgt INHUBBER dafür, dass keine wichtigen Termine übersehen werden und Unternehmen ihre Verpflichtungen gemäß der CSRD 2025 fristgerecht einhalten können.
3. Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von Nachhaltigkeitsberichten
Die CSRD verlangt von Unternehmen nicht nur, dass sie ESG-Daten sammeln, sondern diese auch klar und verständlich darstellen. INHUBBER bietet die nötige Flexibilität, um alle relevanten Vertragsinformationen, die für die Erstellung des Nachhaltigkeitsberichts erforderlich sind, zu kategorisieren und schnell zu extrahieren. So können Unternehmen sicherstellen, dass ihre Nachhaltigkeitskennzahlen korrekt und gemäß den Anforderungen der CSRD 2025 aufbereitet werden.
4. Automatisierung von Workflows zur Einhaltung der CSRD
Die CSRD 2025 fordert von Unternehmen, dass sie ihre ESG-Ziele in ihre bestehenden Geschäftsprozesse integrieren. INHUBBER ermöglicht es Unternehmen, maßgeschneiderte Workflows zu definieren, die sicherstellen, dass Nachhaltigkeitsziele in alle Geschäftsprozesse integriert werden. Dies umfasst unter anderem:
- Automatisierte Benachrichtigungen über Änderungen an Verträgen, die Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte betreffen,
- Integration von ESG-Kriterien bei der Vertragsprüfung und -freigabe.
Mit INHUBBER können Unternehmen sicherstellen, dass sie den Compliance-Vorgaben der CSRD 2025 gerecht werden und gleichzeitig die Effizienz ihrer internen Prozesse steigern.
5. Sicherheit und Transparenz
Die CSRD 2025 verlangt nicht nur eine ordnungsgemäße Dokumentation und Berichterstattung, sondern auch die Sicherheit und Nachvollziehbarkeit aller verwendeten Daten. INHUBBER gewährleistet durch modernste Technologien und End-to-End-Verschlüsselung, dass alle Vertragsdaten und Nachhaltigkeitsdokumente sicher und unveränderbar gespeichert werden. Dies stellt sicher, dass Unternehmen jederzeit ihre Datenintegrität nachweisen können, was für die Einhaltung der CSRD 2025 unerlässlich ist.
Fazit: CSRD 2025 – Mit INHUBBER bestens vorbereitet
Die CSRD 2025 bringt neue Herausforderungen, aber auch zahlreiche Chancen für Unternehmen, sich als Nachhaltigkeitsvorreiter zu positionieren. INHUBBER bietet eine Lösung, die nicht nur den Anforderungen der CSRD gerecht wird, sondern auch die Effizienz interner Prozesse steigert, Risiken minimiert und kostenintensive Fehlerquellen vermeidet. Wenn Sie sich auf die CSRD 2025 vorbereiten möchten, bietet INHUBBER Ihnen die perfekte SaaS-Lösung, die Nachhaltigkeitsziele integriert, Fristen einhält und die ordnungsgemäße Dokumentation gewährleistet.
Nutzen Sie INHUBBER, um Ihr Unternehmen auf die Anforderungen der CSRD 2025 vorzubereiten und gleichzeitig Ihre internen Prozesse effizienter und transparenter zu gestalten.
Businesses facilitated digital initiatives to face the challenges brought by the onset of COVID-19 pandemic to customer- and employee-facing processes. One of these efforts is e-signatures.
E-signatures are becoming more widely accepted around the world, and the digital signature market is expected to grow from $4.0 billion in 2021 to $16.8 billion by 2026. As a result, its application in the sector and other areas is expanding.
Paper-based systems are tedious, time-consuming and error-prone. Traditionally, you’d have to print, scan, and deliver documents to collect signatures.
Software like INHUBBER offers digital signature services so you can save time. For example, INHUBBER lets you sign files in any format like PDF, Excel, MP4, JPEG, Word and more. It also documents any contract change for transparency. Such software simplifies the time-consuming processes of physical document signing, storage and exchange since everything is stored digitally. On top of this, mobility constraints are out of the picture since all parties and businesses can quickly access and sign documents.
Another way that digital signature services save time is that it reduces the risk of lost documents. This will save you and your employees from unnecessary tasks such as recovering or retrieving important files when it could be avoided.
Lastly, It is easier to follow-up on the signers. You may check the status of the signature process virtually. Some digital signature services even allow sending of reminders to the signers.
Digital signatures expedite document processing, allowing you and your employees to complete other tasks. For example, several signatures from a variety of people are required during a sales process. This administrative burden can hamper the sale and even cause the contract to be canceled entirely. If done manually using the traditional paper system, this lengthy procedure may lead to a loss of sale.
Since it’s a cloud-based system, you may even integrate it with your other existing systems to streamline data transfer. For instance, speed up disbursement and approval of salaries in your payroll software for accountants by connecting it with your digital signature tool.
Furthermore,your company saves money without having to allot budget for the following:
- Paper expenses – The traditional way of signing papers will require paper and even ink for printers.
- Shipping costs – If your client cannot visit your office, then you will have to shoulder the shipping of the document.
Secure and Legal
Frauds and theft in a company have been an alarming dilemma. According to the 2020 ACFE report to the nations, 43% of occupational fraud were detected by a tip. The data show the seriousness of the incidents, which accounts for the greater security of your business’ property.
As a company owner and partner, it is a tasking job to upgrade the cybersecurity of your data. Scams and cyber crimes often happen by duplicating identification access to acquire confidential files. This is why digital signature providers assure the legal validity of digital signatures – 2021
INHUBBER follows the eIDAS regulation that uniformly regulates the exchange of electronic signatures. It also includes a blockchain system which records information transactions and prevents it from hacking and cheating the system. To attain the total legality of your e-sign, you must fulfill the requirements of the said regulation.
Moreover, digital signatures include an encryption process which means, it can easily detect the signer and who attempts to use it illegally, especially in B2B transactions.
E-signatures can make you work remotely and reach your clients quickly. The importance of digital signature is also experienced in various industries. One of these is the real estate market
Signing contracts and agreements is a long process in this sector as there are a lot of considerations, terms, and leases to make.
Using INHUBBER makes the process convenient and secure when renting properties to private or corporate clients. If contracts are sent as a PDF and the tenant inserts his electronic signature as an image, there is a possibility for the court not to honor this as an evidence. INHUBBER provides a secure way of signing contracts digitally with its strong identification procedure which lessens the possibility of a reversal of the burden of proof.
Furthermore, by using digital signature software like INHUBBER, record-keeping will be made easier with the audit trail reducing the possibility of misplacing or losing files.
Sign up for betterment
Apart from the tangible economic impact to your company, digitizing signature processes also contribute to keeping the environment better with reduced paper use.
Spare your company from theft and reduce your workload. Because transactions and crimes are becoming more technologically driven, now is the time to upgrade your cyber security. Make your signature digital by utilizing a reputable digital signature software.
If companies do not have access to a digital contract management tool, they may be working with manual and time-consuming data management and documentation processes:
Repeated data entry
-Manual entry of large volumes of purchase orders
-Long process flow during contract creation
-Delayed approval due to a complicated signature process
-Manual contract adjustment and corresponding post-processing to incorporate –current terms and conditions due to, among other things, a cost increase on every second or third purchase order with the supplier
Does the hamster wheel sound familiar? Let’s take action together! We’ll discuss 6 important topics you should focus on and give you practical digitization tips so your team can focus on core tasks.
Tip 1: Ensure flexible contract management with simple tracking
Documenting orders and contracts is usually a problem for many small, medium or large organizations. A digital contract management system allows all contracts to be kept in one place, providing a centralized location where all contracts can be stored by category and supplier with easy access.
INHUBBER’s automated contract system provides a centralized location for contracts to be quickly accessed from any location.
Tip 2: Eliminate complicated and lengthy approval flows
In the absence of master procurement contracts, specific requirement profiles are created for larger orders, and each requirement profile always goes through the same approval flow. This time-consuming reconciliation process also leads to laborious follow-ups within the approval flow. Frequent consequences of this are unnecessary order delays, time-consuming physical documentation of the approval flow, and ultimately reminders due to excessively long process loops.
This high manual effort can be replaced by simple process automation. It is no longer necessary to execute a large number of purchase orders because a consolidated contract exists for each supplier. The approval flow is streamlined as responsibilities are clearly defined. Contracts can be reviewed, approved and signed with one click. The system provides supervisors with a history so they can review data themselves in seconds.
Tip 3: Free your desk from paper and breathe
Physical contracts require numerous and time-consuming paper-based activities. A contract is printed, signed and scanned again; in the worst case, barcoded beforehand. The high opportunity costs have a strong impact on business performance. Automation according to DSGVO makes it possible to introduce a paperless environment in the company. At the same time, appropriate contract management software can address legal retention period requirements. The good side effect? You save the environment by reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
INHUBBER’s goal is to implement an electronic contract management system so that organizations and companies can go paperless in the future to protect the environment by unnecessarily clearing forests.
Tip 4: Costs down? Secure your competitive advantage
Automation often saves money; business process costs can be reduced by 25% to 40% on average. Automation helps companies improve related workflows, ensures higher productivity, and ultimately reduces overhead and opportunity costs by eliminating unnecessary printing, scanning, and filing.
The Covid 19 pandemic hit the global economy hard. It caused prices of goods to rise. The Ever Given accident in March 2021 blocked the Suez Canal for several days, also causing supply shortages and price increases due to shortages. Procurement contact automation saves you from higher material unit prices, because with the help of intelligent contract management software combined with a legally secure digital signature, contracts can be concluded just-in-time worldwide. The fast response time is a clear competitive advantage.
INHUBBER illustrates that with INHUBBER’s contract management system, a company can effectively save up to 50% of contract management costs and up to 10% of total annual expenses.
Tip 5: Appropriate software should ensure maximum security and transparency
Physical contracts are often easily accessible to many people within an organization. Likewise, all information can be easily removed from the company without proof. The reason for this is the excessive amount of paper coupled with costly contract filing -management processes and the dependency on human error.
INHUBBER provides your organization with a secure and transparent electronic document in the form of a digital contract. All data and communication is encrypted end-to-end. There is secure access at all times via two-factor authentication and hosted on German servers, certified to ISO 27001. You determine who has access to a document, when, and for how long.
Tip 6: Facilitate deal flow with digital signatures
You’re probably familiar with the tedious and extremely time-consuming contract approval process: Often, several people are involved in the approval and signing process. Careless mistakes and delays are not uncommon. Typically, the manual process of contract execution and approval looks like this:
Negotiation > Manual drafting > Contract preparation > Review > Edit > AM approval and signature > LM approval and signature > Supplier signature.
If the contract amount exceeds a certain value, the Vice President’s approval and signature is required prior to signature and acceptance by the supplier.
The entire analog process creates unnecessary work. Add to that the fact that you always have to start over with each new contract or addendum. All steps in physical contract management require extensive tracking, time investment, and resource commitment.
Digital signatures speed up the contract approval process and reduce time by avoiding extensive follow-ups. Implementing the automation tool enables contracts to be legally, digitally signed. As a result, all parties involved are familiar with the process. Follow-up is eliminated and time and resources are reduced.
Conclusion: Invest strategically to be prepared for disruptive changes in a dynamic marketplace.
Implement a contract automation system in your company that simplifies your procurement process and makes all manual processes obsolete.
INHUBBER offers a contract management software without any installation or user onboarding fees. INHUBBER is a flexible and tangible contract management system that meets the needs of your business.
The future of procurement requires advanced technologies and processes. Automation significantly improves supplier management and allows procurement to be more strategic. In recent years, the procurement process has changed in many ways. Digital technologies have transformed as well as automated typical manual processes and companies are strengthening their business with the help of digitalization and innovation.
INHUBBER offers all large and small companies a platform to meet the digital requirements in the future. INUBBER enables all necessary advancements with just one implementation. Automation, contract filing, fast digital signatures, security agreements, information transparency, document analysis, artificial intelligence. INHUBBER creates an economical and ecological environment. Let us automate, let us digitize, let us enter a new world of automation.
Ready for a new way of working with contracts?