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How to set up your Quarterly Business Review (QBR) template in INHUBBER

It’s critical for Customer Success teams to have frequent, high-value conversations with clients – without a massive investment of manual effort.

It’s critical for Customer Success teams to have frequent, high-value conversations with clients – without a massive investment of manual effort.

To have engaging, personalized conversations that keep clients acutely aware of the value your product or service offers, your team needs to be informed.

Capturing all this data manually takes time – lots of it. In order to prepare for Quarterly Business Reviews, our Client Success Managers used to spend an hour or more per deck gathering critical inputs. This amount of manual effort was unsustainable for the long term.

So, we decided to create an automated QBR process using our very own Template function

These were the results:

• QBR prep time dropped by 83%

• Customer health increased by 4.4%

• Account health value increased by an average of 2%

It was so successful for us that we knew we had to share it with Customer Success teams across the globe.

As a customer success leader, you have a choice: stick with the time-consuming, manual way of creating QBRs, or try something new that reduces time and opens doors for strategic customer conversations.

Our ebook walks you through a step-by-step process to create a customized and personalized QBR template in minutes.
Grab your copy to make sure you have everything you need to get started on faster, more impactful QBRs.

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How to set up your Quarterly Business Review (QBR) template in INHUBBER
It’s critical for Customer Success teams to have frequent, high-value conversations with clients – without a massive investment of manual ..